Welcome to the wild, discontinuous, and virtually unwatched ramblings of a mother of five.

Still alive and kicking... mostly.

We are still alive and kicking.

Blinker is doing so much better. The tubes are little miracles, she was just a different baby by that afternoon. I wish that there was a miracle for teething. She is working on her top two teeth and has become quite the biter. All I can say is OWIE for mama.

Buzzy had his first wipe out on his tricycle the other day, now he has scraped up knees. I was so proud of him, he got up and dusted off and was back on the tricycle within minutes. There is just no stopping him.

Jane is well, Jane. Still dancing to the song in her head. Never a dull moment. There is always a good story to tell... I just wish that I had more time to devote to writing them down for you all.

Freckles amazes me every day. She is reading more and more. Every time #1 and I turn around she is reading something. I think that over the summer I am going to have to keep her busy with the library and keep it up.

I am feeling better and can say that much. After another appointment, an abdominal ultra sound and an abdominal x-ray I have come to find out that I have irritable bowel syndrome, or so they think. Well due to the fact that I am still pretty exclusively breastfeeding Blinker there is very little that I can do when it comes to medication. I am not going to venture into the realm of untested medications to find out later that I did some harm to her. I am taking a probiotic every day and in the first week has made a tremendous difference. I have gone back to my one true love... the mighty diet coke, but only once a day, first thing in the morning to kick start my engine.


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