Welcome to the wild, discontinuous, and virtually unwatched ramblings of a mother of five.

Crying Again.

♥ ♥ One year ago today after only a fast and furious 83 minutes of labor God blessed us with our 5th baby bear. I cannot believe how fast this last year has gone. I love you more and more every day Hanky Panky. You will always be my baby. ♥ ♥

This is the status for the day. I am sad and happy at the same time. I am sad because I am no longer the mama of a baby, I am happy because we are moving on to a new phase in our lives. I am working on finishing up his birthday sweater. Maybe my mommy blog will have to become my crafty blog.... with smatterings of mommy life.

So the tears are both of sadness and joy today as I work my way through the crazy emotions surrounding this crazy day.


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